The Power Players Club® was created to support entrepreneurs and professionals primarily from urban areas in understanding the game of life so that we can play it powerfully and create our lives and businesses from a place of pure possibility in action instead of by default like business as usual. Our members are trained in the 5 POWER Principles necessary to play the game and change their lives. As a result, our Power Players flourish and create a platform for true transformation, not only in their lives, but in the lives of those they touch.
Every year, The Power Players Club® launches The NYC POWER Tour for KIDS to bring these very same principles to children in NYC Public Schools and organizations, primarily in grades 4-8, so that they can learn to be powerful in their lives NOW! They have to deal with a lot at this age, from the challenges of the Common Core Standards to social issues like peer pressure and bullying. We want them to be able to make empowered decisions about their lives and their education so they can play this game of life to win!
With the help of contributors and supporters like you, we can spread this message across the city and make sure that our children are prepared to meet life's challenges head on so that they can mentally compete with other children in their age group who tend to have better resources than they do...and we want to keep it free for our schools.
So, if you want the best for our kids and are up for the challenge, come play with us. Help us to empower our kids, whether you assist by donating to help us keep the tour going, or you have an elementary school, middle school, or youth organization in mind that you want us to visit.